Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

Taiwan on the eve of the third world war two angels(英-天使)

Christian said: God loved the world of Buddhism, said: Buddha loves all living beings, including humans and animals!People do a great deal of good work can go to heaven and God certainly been reused, in Chinese Taoism called Sin, known as the Buddha of Buddhism in India, Christianity and Islam collectively angel! On the 3rd world war predicted that Chinese ancient prophecy in AD 2016 the Christian Bible prophecy in 2018! most of the world's human sin deep heavy in AD 2015, he went to the current situation on the eve of the 3rd world War, the so-called big names just fundraising philanthropy religious signs or vase inability to lead the world good eliminate sin, as if someone put rancid water and oil for the high-grade edible oil packaging deception society when selling! so the world widening gap democratic elections only criminal profit consortium with! ---人們做了極大的善事可以到天界去並受到上天肯定重用,在中國的道教稱為大仙,印度佛教稱為菩薩,基督教與回教統稱天使! 關於第3次世界大戰預言,中國古預言在西元2016而基督教聖經預言在2018!在西元2015年世間的人類大都罪業較深重,因此時局走到第3次世界大戰前夕,所謂的慈善界宗教界大人物只是募款的招牌或花瓶.無力帶領世間向善消除罪業,就好像有人把餿水油換了包裝欺瞞社會當高檔食用油賣!所以世間貧富差距不斷擴大,民主選舉圖利的祇是罪犯跟財團!---Angel on earth just past many little people, but do control the wealth of the powerful big man can not benefit beings, just like on the battlefield can win with less talent who is the God of War to defeat the few people who lose a humiliating victory inevitable .--- Jia Hongqiu lifetime dedicated shelter stray dogs to keep sick thus exhausted their savings, in AD 2007 to the Government of culling stray dogs things to powerful people beg Gou Gou ruthless initially agreed to support the Government subsequently gone back the culling of stray dogs , cats and dogs born supernatural spiritual constitution of yin and yang eye high, the Taiwan government culling of stray dogs made a high number of curse, in AD 2010 on the occasion of the Assumption Jia Hongqiu Gou's Foxconn factory continuous 12 employees committed suicide supernatural events proclaim international .-- - Taiwan's government to confront the powerful interests of the US Pacific China, conscription during seven decades have served more than one hundred thousand people killed by the military because of the irrational training, Hung Chung mound is one of the flood in 2013 BC after the death of Chung mound odd family! chase pursuit of truth for all people to see the true face of darkness! --- European and American media only care about the human rights of prisoners of Taiwan, human rights, Taiwan really good people, only China with Russian media concern, little people can for the death of millions of stray dogs and ten million or more people to come forward unreasonable training tragic death, Jia Hongqiu and Hong Chung mound is true angel. (drawing below please continue with your mouse to zoom)過去很多天使在人間只是小人物,但卻做到掌控財富權勢的大人物所做不到的利益眾生.就像戰場上能夠以少人勝多人才是戰神,以多人勝少人勝利必然輸了丟臉.---賈鴻秋生前專門收留生病的流浪狗來養因而耗盡積蓄,在西元2007為了政府撲殺流浪狗的事去跪求有力人士郭台銘,無情的郭台銘起初答應後來出爾反爾贊成政府撲殺流浪狗,貓狗天生靈異體質陰陽眼靈性高,台灣政府撲殺流浪狗的數量很多犯了天譴,在西元2010年賈鴻秋升天之際,郭台銘的富士康工廠連續12名員工跳樓自殺靈異事件昭告國際.---台灣政府為了美國太平洋利益對抗強大的中國,七十年來的徵兵制有超過十萬人服役期間因不合理訓練慘死軍中,洪仲丘是其中之一!在西元2013洪仲丘死後奇家人窮追不捨追求真相讓全民看清黑暗真面目!---歐美媒體只關心台灣犯人的人權,真正台灣善良百姓的人權只有中國跟俄國媒體關心,小人物中能為死去上千萬流浪狗以及十萬以上不合理訓練慘死百姓挺身而出,賈鴻秋和洪仲丘是真正的天使.(下方圖面請用滑鼠點下去可放大)I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

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