Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

Einstein said: the human mind form the current,

英文-愛因(Einstein said: the human mind form a current, will wander in the void after death currents) above this sentence is the concept of the soul (again centuries later occupied a live shell) This sentence is the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. , and was occupied shell may be human or other animal .---------- >> summary judgment after death, will go to a good environment good rebirth or become (Tai Sin Taoist, Buddhist bodhisattva, Christianity and Islam angel!) the bad guys will go to hell or rebirth to bad places, it may be reborn as a cat or a dog or a pig or chicken and other animals. the so-called good is good for most people who do good deeds to help others! .. to help more people better then this person is selfish self-interest unscrupulous villains have hurt others, hurt more people who more bad reincarnation does exist, one -> (American military pilots reincarnation of James ‧ Lai Ningzhe reincarnation sensational story.) Second .--> (in Russia reincarnation of Jesus to salvation !!)------------- I am a Chinese Buddhist, Taoist Chinese Buddhism with the two religions never want to destroy other religions are religions of peace to get along with, so I do not doubt the existence of Jesus, but do not doubt the reincarnation of Jesus to salvation. Chinese ancient prophecy says AD 2016 will enter the Third World War, in 2018 AD, the Christian Bible prophecy! Anyway AD 2015 on time has been very close, Nepal Buddha reincarnation have to save the world, Chinese ancient prophecy says Taiwan will be a savior, of course, the Bible prophesied that Jesus would be born in the end to rescue believers have no doubt ??? If the current edge in World War II, mostly on behalf of current human grave sin, religious leadership weakness Leading world goodness, Jesus will not rest in poor money ?? Salvation church which side while Armageddon is made by extremist elements in Christ advanced in Europe and the United States and Japan are launched, aimed at China and Russia with the Islamic resources, that Jesus there can not save the world, one of the victors of the Jesuits in Russia salvation and the answer is yes, Jesus reincarnated master said:! I'm here when Armageddon will be a warm refuge, . Therefore, unless the Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to destroy him, or let the Savior should be worthy of Jesus Christians believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus reincarnated in Russia while Russia is glorious! ------- ------I know a lot of people do not want to believe that we live in a world war edge - because each country reward good leadership will not easily start a war, if world war is an act of God - just the continuity of explosions and volcanic eruptions will make the nuclear-weapon States do not know that measures have to wage war, and the world's sins will God erratic, if humans do not love animals, if humans for their own interests to harm most people, such as the oil was rancid water into a beautiful package edible oil sell, harm others get cancer. *** heaven where ?? actually all religions admired God may be the same person, there is no need to selfishness oil to destroy other religions excuse to wage war to seize the resources of other countries. --- --- I propaganda in Taiwan Buddhist gospel, and that I am its all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

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