Senin, 31 Agustus 2015
आर्मागेडन - तीसरा विश्व युद्ध, साइबेरिया में यीशु मसीह की पूर्व संध्या पर 2018 ईस्वी, आश्रयों और अन्य विश्वासियों के निर्माण
印度文:末日戰爭-西元2018第三次世界大戰前夕,耶穌基督在西伯利亞建築避難所等信徒 Ārmāgēḍana - tīsarā viśva yud'dha, sā'ibēriyā mēṁ yīśu masīha kī pūrva sandhyā para 2018 īsvī, āśrayōṁ aura an'ya viśvāsiyōṁ kē nirmāṇa Sabhī dharmōṁ kē?? Bhagavāna vāstava mēṁ sam'māna kiyā jātā hai jahāṁ yaha pr̥thvī para bhējā svargadūtōṁ phaṇḍa juṭānē dāna yā dhārmika sansthā'ōṁ kī tulanā mēṁ adhika arabōṁ ḍŏlara kā nahīṁ hai, balki, isali'ē bhagavāna jānavarōṁ kē sabhī prakāra kē pyāra karatā hai ki na kēvala duniyā kō pyāra karatā thā, jō ēka hī bhagavāna hō sakatā hai kamajōra lōgōṁ kō yā ēka sanasanī kē kāraṇa hōtā hai jō āgē ānē kē li'ē garība paśu kē li'ē thōṛā prāsaṅgikatā.------ Avatāra bhagavāna tō duniyā bhagavāna kē sabhī dharmōṁ nē praśansā duniyā bhara kē hajārōṁ sāla kē li'ē arabōṁ kē saikaṛōṁ, susamācāra pracāra karanē kē li'ē aura dharmōṁ kē sabhī prakāra banānē kē li'ē kiyā hai, vibhinna nāmōṁ kē sātha, lēkina ēka hī vyakti < ēka hī dō sāla dayā kī dēvī hai aura isali'ē kāphī samāna varjina mairī kī upasthiti kō saumpa diyā hai, lēkina kō'ī nahīṁ kauna nakala karanē kē li'ē?> Bhagavāna itanā duniyā pyāra kē bāda sē ----- , hama an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē maidāna svārtha kī jarūrata hai ēka bahānā, an'ya dēśōṁ kē sansādhanōṁ kō jabta karanē kē li'ē ēka yud'dha śurū karanē kē li'ē, lēkina jhūṭhē dēvatā'ōṁ samasyā kī pūjā nahīṁ kī thī. Bhagavāna bhagavāna tō an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē bhagavāna kē nāma kī āṛa mēṁ dūsarōṁ phōna nahīṁ hōgā duniyā pyāra bhagavāna, jō banāyā hai, saba kucha banāyā!Isali'ē bhagavāna sē maujūda hai, lēkina nahīṁ mēṁ hai, lēkina kēvala duniyā kē anta mēṁ, yīśu masīha viśvāsiyōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē ā gayā hai ki vādā kē anusāra varṣa kē li'ē, lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē dēśōṁ aura lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē! Apocalyptic dēśa kē bhītara (kisī dūsarē dēśa carca dharma para hamalā) kucha dayālu viśvāsiyōṁ sā'ibēriyā śaraṇa kē li'ē yud'dha kī taraha nahīṁ hai, kucha lōgōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē, sabasē īsā'ī haiṁ apanē prabhu kō samajhanē kē dvārā gumarāha nahīṁ kiyā jā sakatā hai (dhārmika dūsarē dēśa carca para hamalā), lēkina (hamalē kē an'ya dēśōṁ kē dhārmika carca) kē rūpa mēṁ duniyā kō jīta kē li'ē jihāda kē carama mahatvākāṅkṣā miśanarī prabhāva bainara mēṁ upakaraṇa aura hātha, viśva yud'dha kē saṅkaṭa kē li'ē, gharōṁ yīśu nē usē dūra sē laṛanē kē li'ē viśvāsiyōṁ kē nētr̥tva mēṁ nahīṁ hai viśvāsiyōṁ kē li'ē acchā viśvāsa kō bacānē kē li'ē isa duniyā mēṁ ā.- Naraka kī āga bana jātē haiṁ! Lēkina ka'ī īsā'ī. Bā'ibila śabda Careerists dvārā viśva yud'dha kī ōra saṛaka gumarāha chēṛachāṛa muslima viśva sansādhana kē uddēśya sē rūsa aura cīna kē sātha padalōlupa yud'dha kiyā gayā hai! Maiṁ sabhī jānavarōṁ paśu vakālata, dhana kī kamī mēṁ karanē kē li'ē ādhyātmika vicārōṁ aura krūratā kī sunāmī kī rōkathāma hai pracārita vidēśī mudrā baiṅka kōḍa kī mērī antararāṣṭrīya mudrā prēṣaṇa: Isa bhikṣā, sthānāntaraṇa artha tāra kr̥payā BKTWTWTP031. Baiṅka khātā: 031007963753 Upayōgakartā nāma: Zhengbing hu'ī. आर्मागेडन - तीसरा विश्व युद्ध, साइबेरिया में यीशु मसीह की पूर्व संध्या पर 2018 ईस्वी, आश्रयों और अन्य विश्वासियों के निर्माण सभी धर्मों के ?? भगवान वास्तव में सम्मान किया जाता है जहां यह पृथ्वी पर भेजा स्वर्गदूतों फंड जुटाने दान या धार्मिक संस्थाओं की तुलना में अधिक अरबों डॉलर का नहीं है, बल्कि, इसलिए भगवान जानवरों के सभी प्रकार के प्यार करता है कि न केवल दुनिया को प्यार करता था, जो एक ही भगवान हो सकता है कमजोर लोगों को या एक सनसनी के कारण होता है जो आगे आने के लिए गरीब पशु के लिए थोड़ा प्रासंगिकता .------ अवतार भगवान तो दुनिया भगवान के सभी धर्मों ने प्रशंसा दुनिया भर के हजारों साल के लिए अरबों के सैकड़ों, सुसमाचार प्रचार करने के लिए और धर्मों के सभी प्रकार बनाने के लिए किया है, विभिन्न नामों के साथ, लेकिन एक ही व्यक्ति <एक ही दो साल दया की देवी है और इसलिए काफी समान वर्जिन मैरी की उपस्थिति को सौंप दिया है, लेकिन कोई नहीं कौन नकल करने के लिए?> भगवान इतना दुनिया प्यार के बाद से -----, हम अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए मैदान स्वार्थ की जरूरत है एक बहाना, अन्य देशों के संसाधनों को जब्त करने के लिए एक युद्ध शुरू करने के लिए, लेकिन झूठे देवताओं समस्या की पूजा नहीं की थी। भगवान भगवान तो अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए भगवान के नाम की आड़ में दूसरों फोन नहीं होगा दुनिया प्यार भगवान, जो बनाया है, सब कुछ बनाया!इसलिए भगवान से मौजूद है, लेकिन नहीं में है, लेकिन केवल दुनिया के अंत में, यीशु मसीह विश्वासियों को बचाने के लिए आ गया है कि वादा के अनुसार वर्ष के लिए, लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए देशों और लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए! Apocalyptic देश के भीतर (किसी दूसरे देश चर्च धर्म पर हमला) कुछ दयालु विश्वासियों साइबेरिया शरण के लिए युद्ध की तरह नहीं है, कुछ लोगों को बचाने के लिए, सबसे ईसाई हैं अपने प्रभु को समझने के द्वारा गुमराह नहीं किया जा सकता है (धार्मिक दूसरे देश चर्च पर हमला), लेकिन (हमले के अन्य देशों के धार्मिक चर्च) के रूप में दुनिया को जीत के लिए जिहाद के चरम महत्वाकांक्षा मिशनरी प्रभाव बैनर में उपकरण और हाथ, विश्व युद्ध के संकट के लिए, घरों यीशु ने उसे दूर से लड़ने के लिए विश्वासियों के नेतृत्व में नहीं है विश्वासियों के लिए अच्छा विश्वास को बचाने के लिए इस दुनिया में आ .- नरक की आग बन जाते हैं! लेकिन कई ईसाई । बाइबिल शब्द Careerists द्वारा विश्व युद्ध की ओर सड़क गुमराह छेड़छाड़ मुस्लिम विश्व संसाधन के उद्देश्य से रूस और चीन के साथ पदलोलुप युद्ध किया गया है! मैं सभी जानवरों पशु वकालत, धन की कमी में करने के लिए आध्यात्मिक विचारों और क्रूरता की सुनामी की रोकथाम है प्रचारित विदेशी मुद्रा बैंक कोड की मेरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा प्रेषण: इस भिक्षा, स्थानांतरण अर्थ तार कृपया BKTWTWTP031। बैंक खाता: 031007963753 उपयोगकर्ता नाम: Zhengbing हुई।
Ārmāgēḍana - tīsarā viśva yud'dha, sā'ibēriyā mēṁ yīśu masīha kī pūrva sandhyā para 2018 īsvī, āśrayōṁ aura an'ya viśvāsiyōṁ kē nirmāṇa
印度文:末日戰爭-西元2018第三次世界大戰前夕,耶穌基督在西伯利亞建築避難所等信徒 Ārmāgēḍana - tīsarā viśva yud'dha, sā'ibēriyā mēṁ yīśu masīha kī pūrva sandhyā para 2018 īsvī, āśrayōṁ aura an'ya viśvāsiyōṁ kē nirmāṇa Sabhī dharmōṁ kē?? Bhagavāna vāstava mēṁ sam'māna kiyā jātā hai jahāṁ yaha pr̥thvī para bhējā svargadūtōṁ phaṇḍa juṭānē dāna yā dhārmika sansthā'ōṁ kī tulanā mēṁ adhika arabōṁ ḍŏlara kā nahīṁ hai, balki, isali'ē bhagavāna jānavarōṁ kē sabhī prakāra kē pyāra karatā hai ki na kēvala duniyā kō pyāra karatā thā, jō ēka hī bhagavāna hō sakatā hai kamajōra lōgōṁ kō yā ēka sanasanī kē kāraṇa hōtā hai jō āgē ānē kē li'ē garība paśu kē li'ē thōṛā prāsaṅgikatā.------ Avatāra bhagavāna tō duniyā bhagavāna kē sabhī dharmōṁ nē praśansā duniyā bhara kē hajārōṁ sāla kē li'ē arabōṁ kē saikaṛōṁ, susamācāra pracāra karanē kē li'ē aura dharmōṁ kē sabhī prakāra banānē kē li'ē kiyā hai, vibhinna nāmōṁ kē sātha, lēkina ēka hī vyakti < ēka hī dō sāla dayā kī dēvī hai aura isali'ē kāphī samāna varjina mairī kī upasthiti kō saumpa diyā hai, lēkina kō'ī nahīṁ kauna nakala karanē kē li'ē?> Bhagavāna itanā duniyā pyāra kē bāda sē ----- , hama an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē maidāna svārtha kī jarūrata hai ēka bahānā, an'ya dēśōṁ kē sansādhanōṁ kō jabta karanē kē li'ē ēka yud'dha śurū karanē kē li'ē, lēkina jhūṭhē dēvatā'ōṁ samasyā kī pūjā nahīṁ kī thī. Bhagavāna bhagavāna tō an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē bhagavāna kē nāma kī āṛa mēṁ dūsarōṁ phōna nahīṁ hōgā duniyā pyāra bhagavāna, jō banāyā hai, saba kucha banāyā!Isali'ē bhagavāna sē maujūda hai, lēkina nahīṁ mēṁ hai, lēkina kēvala duniyā kē anta mēṁ, yīśu masīha viśvāsiyōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē ā gayā hai ki vādā kē anusāra varṣa kē li'ē, lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē dēśōṁ aura lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē! Apocalyptic dēśa kē bhītara (kisī dūsarē dēśa carca dharma para hamalā) kucha dayālu viśvāsiyōṁ sā'ibēriyā śaraṇa kē li'ē yud'dha kī taraha nahīṁ hai, kucha lōgōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē, sabasē īsā'ī haiṁ apanē prabhu kō samajhanē kē dvārā gumarāha nahīṁ kiyā jā sakatā hai (dhārmika dūsarē dēśa carca para hamalā), lēkina (hamalē kē an'ya dēśōṁ kē dhārmika carca) kē rūpa mēṁ duniyā kō jīta kē li'ē jihāda kē carama mahatvākāṅkṣā miśanarī prabhāva bainara mēṁ upakaraṇa aura hātha, viśva yud'dha kē saṅkaṭa kē li'ē, gharōṁ yīśu nē usē dūra sē laṛanē kē li'ē viśvāsiyōṁ kē nētr̥tva mēṁ nahīṁ hai viśvāsiyōṁ kē li'ē acchā viśvāsa kō bacānē kē li'ē isa duniyā mēṁ ā.- Naraka kī āga bana jātē haiṁ! Lēkina ka'ī īsā'ī. Bā'ibila śabda Careerists dvārā viśva yud'dha kī ōra saṛaka gumarāha chēṛachāṛa muslima viśva sansādhana kē uddēśya sē rūsa aura cīna kē sātha padalōlupa yud'dha kiyā gayā hai! Maiṁ sabhī jānavarōṁ paśu vakālata, dhana kī kamī mēṁ karanē kē li'ē ādhyātmika vicārōṁ aura krūratā kī sunāmī kī rōkathāma hai pracārita vidēśī mudrā baiṅka kōḍa kī mērī antararāṣṭrīya mudrā prēṣaṇa: Isa bhikṣā, sthānāntaraṇa artha tāra kr̥payā BKTWTWTP031. Baiṅka khātā: 031007963753 Upayōgakartā nāma: Zhengbing hu'ī. आर्मागेडन - तीसरा विश्व युद्ध, साइबेरिया में यीशु मसीह की पूर्व संध्या पर 2018 ईस्वी, आश्रयों और अन्य विश्वासियों के निर्माण सभी धर्मों के ?? भगवान वास्तव में सम्मान किया जाता है जहां यह पृथ्वी पर भेजा स्वर्गदूतों फंड जुटाने दान या धार्मिक संस्थाओं की तुलना में अधिक अरबों डॉलर का नहीं है, बल्कि, इसलिए भगवान जानवरों के सभी प्रकार के प्यार करता है कि न केवल दुनिया को प्यार करता था, जो एक ही भगवान हो सकता है कमजोर लोगों को या एक सनसनी के कारण होता है जो आगे आने के लिए गरीब पशु के लिए थोड़ा प्रासंगिकता .------ अवतार भगवान तो दुनिया भगवान के सभी धर्मों ने प्रशंसा दुनिया भर के हजारों साल के लिए अरबों के सैकड़ों, सुसमाचार प्रचार करने के लिए और धर्मों के सभी प्रकार बनाने के लिए किया है, विभिन्न नामों के साथ, लेकिन एक ही व्यक्ति <एक ही दो साल दया की देवी है और इसलिए काफी समान वर्जिन मैरी की उपस्थिति को सौंप दिया है, लेकिन कोई नहीं कौन नकल करने के लिए?> भगवान इतना दुनिया प्यार के बाद से -----, हम अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए मैदान स्वार्थ की जरूरत है एक बहाना, अन्य देशों के संसाधनों को जब्त करने के लिए एक युद्ध शुरू करने के लिए, लेकिन झूठे देवताओं समस्या की पूजा नहीं की थी। भगवान भगवान तो अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए भगवान के नाम की आड़ में दूसरों फोन नहीं होगा दुनिया प्यार भगवान, जो बनाया है, सब कुछ बनाया!इसलिए भगवान से मौजूद है, लेकिन नहीं में है, लेकिन केवल दुनिया के अंत में, यीशु मसीह विश्वासियों को बचाने के लिए आ गया है कि वादा के अनुसार वर्ष के लिए, लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए देशों और लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए! Apocalyptic देश के भीतर (किसी दूसरे देश चर्च धर्म पर हमला) कुछ दयालु विश्वासियों साइबेरिया शरण के लिए युद्ध की तरह नहीं है, कुछ लोगों को बचाने के लिए, सबसे ईसाई हैं अपने प्रभु को समझने के द्वारा गुमराह नहीं किया जा सकता है (धार्मिक दूसरे देश चर्च पर हमला), लेकिन (हमले के अन्य देशों के धार्मिक चर्च) के रूप में दुनिया को जीत के लिए जिहाद के चरम महत्वाकांक्षा मिशनरी प्रभाव बैनर में उपकरण और हाथ, विश्व युद्ध के संकट के लिए, घरों यीशु ने उसे दूर से लड़ने के लिए विश्वासियों के नेतृत्व में नहीं है विश्वासियों के लिए अच्छा विश्वास को बचाने के लिए इस दुनिया में आ .- नरक की आग बन जाते हैं! लेकिन कई ईसाई । बाइबिल शब्द Careerists द्वारा विश्व युद्ध की ओर सड़क गुमराह छेड़छाड़ मुस्लिम विश्व संसाधन के उद्देश्य से रूस और चीन के साथ पदलोलुप युद्ध किया गया है! मैं सभी जानवरों पशु वकालत, धन की कमी में करने के लिए आध्यात्मिक विचारों और क्रूरता की सुनामी की रोकथाम है प्रचारित विदेशी मुद्रा बैंक कोड की मेरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा प्रेषण: इस भिक्षा, स्थानांतरण अर्थ तार कृपया BKTWTWTP031। बैंक खाता: 031007963753 उपयोगकर्ता नाम: Zhengbing हुई।
Ārmāgēḍana - tīsarā viśva yud'dha, sā'ibēriyā mēṁ yīśu masīha kī pūrva sandhyā para 2018 īsvī, āśrayōṁ aura an'ya viśvāsiyōṁ kē nirmāṇa
印度文:末日戰爭-西元2018第三次世界大戰前夕,耶穌基督在西伯利亞建築避難所等信徒 Ārmāgēḍana - tīsarā viśva yud'dha, sā'ibēriyā mēṁ yīśu masīha kī pūrva sandhyā para 2018 īsvī, āśrayōṁ aura an'ya viśvāsiyōṁ kē nirmāṇa Sabhī dharmōṁ kē?? Bhagavāna vāstava mēṁ sam'māna kiyā jātā hai jahāṁ yaha pr̥thvī para bhējā svargadūtōṁ phaṇḍa juṭānē dāna yā dhārmika sansthā'ōṁ kī tulanā mēṁ adhika arabōṁ ḍŏlara kā nahīṁ hai, balki, isali'ē bhagavāna jānavarōṁ kē sabhī prakāra kē pyāra karatā hai ki na kēvala duniyā kō pyāra karatā thā, jō ēka hī bhagavāna hō sakatā hai kamajōra lōgōṁ kō yā ēka sanasanī kē kāraṇa hōtā hai jō āgē ānē kē li'ē garība paśu kē li'ē thōṛā prāsaṅgikatā.------ Avatāra bhagavāna tō duniyā bhagavāna kē sabhī dharmōṁ nē praśansā duniyā bhara kē hajārōṁ sāla kē li'ē arabōṁ kē saikaṛōṁ, susamācāra pracāra karanē kē li'ē aura dharmōṁ kē sabhī prakāra banānē kē li'ē kiyā hai, vibhinna nāmōṁ kē sātha, lēkina ēka hī vyakti < ēka hī dō sāla dayā kī dēvī hai aura isali'ē kāphī samāna varjina mairī kī upasthiti kō saumpa diyā hai, lēkina kō'ī nahīṁ kauna nakala karanē kē li'ē?> Bhagavāna itanā duniyā pyāra kē bāda sē ----- , hama an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē maidāna svārtha kī jarūrata hai ēka bahānā, an'ya dēśōṁ kē sansādhanōṁ kō jabta karanē kē li'ē ēka yud'dha śurū karanē kē li'ē, lēkina jhūṭhē dēvatā'ōṁ samasyā kī pūjā nahīṁ kī thī. Bhagavāna bhagavāna tō an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē bhagavāna kē nāma kī āṛa mēṁ dūsarōṁ phōna nahīṁ hōgā duniyā pyāra bhagavāna, jō banāyā hai, saba kucha banāyā!Isali'ē bhagavāna sē maujūda hai, lēkina nahīṁ mēṁ hai, lēkina kēvala duniyā kē anta mēṁ, yīśu masīha viśvāsiyōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē ā gayā hai ki vādā kē anusāra varṣa kē li'ē, lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē dēśōṁ aura lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē! Apocalyptic dēśa kē bhītara (kisī dūsarē dēśa carca dharma para hamalā) kucha dayālu viśvāsiyōṁ sā'ibēriyā śaraṇa kē li'ē yud'dha kī taraha nahīṁ hai, kucha lōgōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē, sabasē īsā'ī haiṁ apanē prabhu kō samajhanē kē dvārā gumarāha nahīṁ kiyā jā sakatā hai (dhārmika dūsarē dēśa carca para hamalā), lēkina (hamalē kē an'ya dēśōṁ kē dhārmika carca) kē rūpa mēṁ duniyā kō jīta kē li'ē jihāda kē carama mahatvākāṅkṣā miśanarī prabhāva bainara mēṁ upakaraṇa aura hātha, viśva yud'dha kē saṅkaṭa kē li'ē, gharōṁ yīśu nē usē dūra sē laṛanē kē li'ē viśvāsiyōṁ kē nētr̥tva mēṁ nahīṁ hai viśvāsiyōṁ kē li'ē acchā viśvāsa kō bacānē kē li'ē isa duniyā mēṁ ā.- Naraka kī āga bana jātē haiṁ! Lēkina ka'ī īsā'ī. Bā'ibila śabda Careerists dvārā viśva yud'dha kī ōra saṛaka gumarāha chēṛachāṛa muslima viśva sansādhana kē uddēśya sē rūsa aura cīna kē sātha padalōlupa yud'dha kiyā gayā hai! Maiṁ sabhī jānavarōṁ paśu vakālata, dhana kī kamī mēṁ karanē kē li'ē ādhyātmika vicārōṁ aura krūratā kī sunāmī kī rōkathāma hai pracārita vidēśī mudrā baiṅka kōḍa kī mērī antararāṣṭrīya mudrā prēṣaṇa: Isa bhikṣā, sthānāntaraṇa artha tāra kr̥payā BKTWTWTP031. Baiṅka khātā: 031007963753 Upayōgakartā nāma: Zhengbing hu'ī. आर्मागेडन - तीसरा विश्व युद्ध, साइबेरिया में यीशु मसीह की पूर्व संध्या पर 2018 ईस्वी, आश्रयों और अन्य विश्वासियों के निर्माण सभी धर्मों के ?? भगवान वास्तव में सम्मान किया जाता है जहां यह पृथ्वी पर भेजा स्वर्गदूतों फंड जुटाने दान या धार्मिक संस्थाओं की तुलना में अधिक अरबों डॉलर का नहीं है, बल्कि, इसलिए भगवान जानवरों के सभी प्रकार के प्यार करता है कि न केवल दुनिया को प्यार करता था, जो एक ही भगवान हो सकता है कमजोर लोगों को या एक सनसनी के कारण होता है जो आगे आने के लिए गरीब पशु के लिए थोड़ा प्रासंगिकता .------ अवतार भगवान तो दुनिया भगवान के सभी धर्मों ने प्रशंसा दुनिया भर के हजारों साल के लिए अरबों के सैकड़ों, सुसमाचार प्रचार करने के लिए और धर्मों के सभी प्रकार बनाने के लिए किया है, विभिन्न नामों के साथ, लेकिन एक ही व्यक्ति <एक ही दो साल दया की देवी है और इसलिए काफी समान वर्जिन मैरी की उपस्थिति को सौंप दिया है, लेकिन कोई नहीं कौन नकल करने के लिए?> भगवान इतना दुनिया प्यार के बाद से -----, हम अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए मैदान स्वार्थ की जरूरत है एक बहाना, अन्य देशों के संसाधनों को जब्त करने के लिए एक युद्ध शुरू करने के लिए, लेकिन झूठे देवताओं समस्या की पूजा नहीं की थी। भगवान भगवान तो अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए भगवान के नाम की आड़ में दूसरों फोन नहीं होगा दुनिया प्यार भगवान, जो बनाया है, सब कुछ बनाया!इसलिए भगवान से मौजूद है, लेकिन नहीं में है, लेकिन केवल दुनिया के अंत में, यीशु मसीह विश्वासियों को बचाने के लिए आ गया है कि वादा के अनुसार वर्ष के लिए, लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए देशों और लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए! Apocalyptic देश के भीतर (किसी दूसरे देश चर्च धर्म पर हमला) कुछ दयालु विश्वासियों साइबेरिया शरण के लिए युद्ध की तरह नहीं है, कुछ लोगों को बचाने के लिए, सबसे ईसाई हैं अपने प्रभु को समझने के द्वारा गुमराह नहीं किया जा सकता है (धार्मिक दूसरे देश चर्च पर हमला), लेकिन (हमले के अन्य देशों के धार्मिक चर्च) के रूप में दुनिया को जीत के लिए जिहाद के चरम महत्वाकांक्षा मिशनरी प्रभाव बैनर में उपकरण और हाथ, विश्व युद्ध के संकट के लिए, घरों यीशु ने उसे दूर से लड़ने के लिए विश्वासियों के नेतृत्व में नहीं है विश्वासियों के लिए अच्छा विश्वास को बचाने के लिए इस दुनिया में आ .- नरक की आग बन जाते हैं! लेकिन कई ईसाई । बाइबिल शब्द Careerists द्वारा विश्व युद्ध की ओर सड़क गुमराह छेड़छाड़ मुस्लिम विश्व संसाधन के उद्देश्य से रूस और चीन के साथ पदलोलुप युद्ध किया गया है! मैं सभी जानवरों पशु वकालत, धन की कमी में करने के लिए आध्यात्मिक विचारों और क्रूरता की सुनामी की रोकथाम है प्रचारित विदेशी मुद्रा बैंक कोड की मेरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा प्रेषण: इस भिक्षा, स्थानांतरण अर्थ तार कृपया BKTWTWTP031। बैंक खाता: 031007963753 उपयोगकर्ता नाम: Zhengbing हुई।
Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015
Three years before AD 2018 Armageddon - the reincarnation of Jesus come to Siberia and make shelters
Three years before AD 2018 Armageddon - the reincarnation of Jesus come to Siberia and make shelters英文-耶穌 (Einstein said: the human mind form a current, will wander in the void after death currents) above this sentence is the concept of the soul (again centuries later occupied a live shell) This sentence is the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. , and was occupied shell may be human or other animal .---------- >> summary judgment after death, will go to a good environment good rebirth or become (Tai Sin Taoist, Buddhist bodhisattva, Christianity and Islam angel!) the bad guys will go to hell or rebirth to bad places, it may be reborn as a cat or a dog or a pig or chicken and other animals. The so-called good is good for most people who do good deeds to help others! .. to help more people better then this person is selfish self-interest unscrupulous villains have hurt others, hurt more people who more bad reincarnation does exist, one -> (American military pilots reincarnation of James ‧ Lai Ningzhe reincarnation sensational story.) Second .--> (in Russia reincarnation of Jesus to salvation !!) ------------- I know a lot of people do not want to believe we are in World War II at the edge - because countries reward good leadership will not easily start a war, if world war is an act of God - just the continuity of explosion and volcanic eruption would cause a loss of nuclear States had to wage war, not on ambition House want to use war to seize the resources of other countries .--- ** - .--- ** - And the world's sins will God starts acting strangely, if humans do not love animals, if humans for their own interests to harm most people, such as the oil was rancid water packed into a beautiful advanced eating oil to sell, harm others get cancer. *** heaven where ?? actually all religions admired God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, which is not an angel sent to earth billions of fundraising a charity or religious institutions dollars or more, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation .------ incarnation God has hundreds of billions, for thousands of years to preach the gospel throughout the world and to create all religions, so admired by the world's religions is the same God who is just a different name, ----- ?> ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness on the grounds of religion excuse to destroy the other resources of other countries to win the war, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world will not tell others under the guise of the name of God to destroy other religions! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack other countries religion)! Jesus Christ has shone then promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only save a few people do not like the good war believers to refuge, most Christians were (the church attack religion in other countries) can not be misled by understanding their Lord, but as (the church attack religion in other countries) is a tool to conquer the world and hand in extreme ambition missionary influence banner of jihad, to World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .-- ------------- I am a Chinese Buddhist, Taoist Chinese Buddhism with the two religions never want to destroy other religions are religions of peace to get along with, so I do not doubt the existence of Jesus, but do not doubt the reincarnation of Jesus to salvation. Chinese ancient prophecy says AD 2016 will enter the Third World War, in 2018 AD, the Christian Bible prophecy! Anyway AD 2015 on time has been very close, Nepal Buddha reincarnation have to save the world, Chinese ancient prophecy says Taiwan will be a savior, of course, the Bible prophesied that Jesus would be born in the end to rescue believers have no doubt ??? If the current edge in World War II, mostly on behalf of current human grave sin, religious leadership weakness Leading world goodness, Jesus will not rest in poor money ?? Salvation church which side while Armageddon is made by extremist elements in Christ advanced in Europe and the United States and Japan are launched, aimed at China and Russia with the Islamic resources, that Jesus there can not save the world, one of the victors of the Jesuits in Russia salvation and the answer is yes, Jesus reincarnated master said:! I'm here when Armageddon will be a warm refuge, . Therefore, unless the Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to destroy him, or let the Savior should be worthy of Jesus Christians believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus reincarnated in Russia while Russia is glorious! I publicize Buddhism Gospel in Taiwan, and that I am its all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Three years before AD 2018 Armageddon - the reincarnation of Jesus come to Siberia and make shelters
Three years before AD 2018 Armageddon - the reincarnation of Jesus come to Siberia and make shelters英文-耶穌 (Einstein said: the human mind form a current, will wander in the void after death currents) above this sentence is the concept of the soul (again centuries later occupied a live shell) This sentence is the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. , and was occupied shell may be human or other animal .---------- >> summary judgment after death, will go to a good environment good rebirth or become (Tai Sin Taoist, Buddhist bodhisattva, Christianity and Islam angel!) the bad guys will go to hell or rebirth to bad places, it may be reborn as a cat or a dog or a pig or chicken and other animals. The so-called good is good for most people who do good deeds to help others! .. to help more people better then this person is selfish self-interest unscrupulous villains have hurt others, hurt more people who more bad reincarnation does exist, one -> (American military pilots reincarnation of James ‧ Lai Ningzhe reincarnation sensational story.) Second .--> (in Russia reincarnation of Jesus to salvation !!) ------------- I know a lot of people do not want to believe we are in World War II at the edge - because countries reward good leadership will not easily start a war, if world war is an act of God - just the continuity of explosion and volcanic eruption would cause a loss of nuclear States had to wage war, not on ambition House want to use war to seize the resources of other countries .--- ** - .--- ** - And the world's sins will God starts acting strangely, if humans do not love animals, if humans for their own interests to harm most people, such as the oil was rancid water packed into a beautiful advanced eating oil to sell, harm others get cancer. *** heaven where ?? actually all religions admired God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, which is not an angel sent to earth billions of fundraising a charity or religious institutions dollars or more, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation .------ incarnation God has hundreds of billions, for thousands of years to preach the gospel throughout the world and to create all religions, so admired by the world's religions is the same God who is just a different name, ----- ?> ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness on the grounds of religion excuse to destroy the other resources of other countries to win the war, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world will not tell others under the guise of the name of God to destroy other religions! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack other countries religion)! Jesus Christ has shone then promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only save a few people do not like the good war believers to refuge, most Christians were (the church attack religion in other countries) can not be misled by understanding their Lord, but as (the church attack religion in other countries) is a tool to conquer the world and hand in extreme ambition missionary influence banner of jihad, to World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .-- ------------- I am a Chinese Buddhist, Taoist Chinese Buddhism with the two religions never want to destroy other religions are religions of peace to get along with, so I do not doubt the existence of Jesus, but do not doubt the reincarnation of Jesus to salvation. Chinese ancient prophecy says AD 2016 will enter the Third World War, in 2018 AD, the Christian Bible prophecy! Anyway AD 2015 on time has been very close, Nepal Buddha reincarnation have to save the world, Chinese ancient prophecy says Taiwan will be a savior, of course, the Bible prophesied that Jesus would be born in the end to rescue believers have no doubt ??? If the current edge in World War II, mostly on behalf of current human grave sin, religious leadership weakness Leading world goodness, Jesus will not rest in poor money ?? Salvation church which side while Armageddon is made by extremist elements in Christ advanced in Europe and the United States and Japan are launched, aimed at China and Russia with the Islamic resources, that Jesus there can not save the world, one of the victors of the Jesuits in Russia salvation and the answer is yes, Jesus reincarnated master said:! I'm here when Armageddon will be a warm refuge, . Therefore, unless the Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to destroy him, or let the Savior should be worthy of Jesus Christians believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus reincarnated in Russia while Russia is glorious! I publicize Buddhism Gospel in Taiwan, and that I am its all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015
Tatlong taon bago AD 2018 Armageddon - ang muling pagkakatawang-tao ni Hesus na dumating sa Siberya at gumawa ng shelters
菲律賓-耶穌Tatlong taon bago AD 2018 Armageddon - ang muling pagkakatawang-tao ni Hesus na dumating sa Siberya at gumawa ng shelters (Sinabi Einstein: ang isip ng tao na form ng isang kasalukuyang, ay malihis sa bisa pagkatapos ng alon ng kamatayan) sa itaas ng pangungusap na ito ay ang konsepto ng kaluluwa (muli siglo mamaya abala ang isang live na shell) pangungusap na ito ay ang mga Buddhist konsepto ng muling pagkakatawang-tao. , at noon ay abala shell maaaring tao hayop o iba pang .---------- >> buod ng paghatol pagkatapos ng kamatayan, ay pumunta sa isang mahusay na kapaligiran ng magandang bagong buhay o maging (Tai Sin Taoist, Buddhist bodhisattva, Kristiyanismo at Islam angel!) ang masamang guys ay mapupunta sa impyerno o muling pagsilang sa masamang lugar, maaaring ito ay isilang na muli bilang isang pusa o isang aso o baboy o manok at iba pang mga hayop. ang tinatawag na mabuti ay mabuti para sa karamihan sa mga tao na gawin ang mabuting gawa upang makatulong sa iba! .. upang makatulong sa mas maraming mga tao ng mas mahusay na pagkatapos ay ang taong ito ay walang prinsipyo mga kontrabida makasarili self-interes na saktan ang iba, nasaktan karagdagang mga tao na mas masama muling pagkakatawang-tao ay hindi na umiiral, ang isa -> (American militar pilots muling pagkakatawang-tao ni Santiago ‧ Lai Ningzhe muling pagkakatawang-tao magagandang kuwento.) Pangalawa .--> (sa Rusya muling pagkakatawang-tao ni Hesus sa kaligtasan !!) -------------------------- Alam ko ang isang pulutong ng mga tao ay hindi nais na naniniwala na nakatira kami sa isang gilid na digmaang pandaigdig - dahil sa bawat gantimpala bansa mabuting pamumuno ay hindi madaling simulan ang isang digmaan, kung digmaang pandaigdig ay isang pagkilos ng Diyos - lamang tuloy ng pagsabog at pagputok ng bulkan ay gumawa ng isang pagkawala ng nuclear digmaan sa bansa ay nagkaroon, hindi sa digmaan upang sakupin tamasahin karyerista resources ng ibang bansa .--- ** - at ang kasalanan sa mundo Diyos ay hindi sundin at strike card, kung ang tao ay hindi hayop sa pag-ibig, kung ang tao para sa kanilang sariling interes na makasama ang karamihan sa tao, tulad ng mga sira na tubig at langis na may maganda balot sa nakakain ng langis upang magbenta, makapinsala sa iba makakuha ng kanser. *** langit kung saan ang lahat ng relihiyon sa katunayan ?? maaaring hinangaan Diyos ang parehong tao, kaya ang pagsinta ng Dios lamang sa mundo ng pag-ibig ang lahat ng uri ng hayop, ang mga anghel na ipinadala sa lupa ay hindi bilyun-bilyong dolyar ng higit sa fund-raising charity o relihiyon institusyon, ngunit maliit na kaugnayan sa mahina mga tao o sa mahihirap hayop na dumating pasulong na dulot ng damdamin .------May mga daan-daang bilyong .------ Diyos magkatawang-tao, para sa mga libo-libong taon sa buong mundo upang ipangaral ang ebanghelyo at upang lumikha ng lahat ng uri ng mga relihiyon, kaya hinahangaan ng relihiyon sa mundo ay ang parehong Diyos na lang ng ibang pangalan, Dahil kaya pagsinta ng Dios sa sanglibutan, na kailangan mo upang pagkamakasarili sa bakuran ng relihiyon dahilan upang sirain ang iba pang mga mapagkukunan ng iba pang mga bansa upang manalo sa digmaan, ngunit hindi sumamba false problema dios. nilikha ng Diyos ang lahat ng bagay, Sino ang nilikha ng Diyos, ay hindi humingi ng Diyos sa kanila sa ilalim ng balatkayo ng pangalan ng Diyos upang wasakin ang ibang relihiyon, samakatuwid ang Diyos ay umiiral, ngunit hindi sa (mga atake ng simbahan sa ibang mga bansa sa relihiyon) sa loob! Jesu-Cristo ay nagliwanag pagkatapos pangako na dumating i-save ang mga mananampalataya, kundi sa dulo ng mundo ay maaari lamang makatulong sa isang maliit na bilang ng mga makataong kanlungan, karamihan sa mga Kristiyano ay (ang pag-atake ng simbahan relihiyon sa iba pang mga bansa) ay hindi maaaring mailigaw ng pag-unawa sa kanilang Panginoon, ngunit bilang (atake ng ibang bansa relihiyon iglesia) upang masakop ang mundo ng mga kasangkapan at sa matinding ambisyon ilalim ng impluwensiya ng mga misyonero, sa World War talas, tahanan maging apoy ng impiyerno ------ - ------------- Ako ay isang Chinese Buddhist, Taoist Chinese Budismo sa dalawang relihiyon ay hindi kailanman nais na sirain ang iba pang mga relihiyon ay relihiyon ng kapayapaan upang makakuha ng kasama, kaya ko hindi pagdududa na ang pagkakaroon ng Jesus, ngunit hindi duda ang muling pagkakatawang-tao ni Hesus sa kaligtasan. Intsik sinaunang propesiya sabi AD 2016 ay ipasok ang mga Third World War, sa 2018 AD, ang hula Kristiyano Bibliya! anyway AD 2015 sa oras ay napaka-close, Nepal Buddha muling pagkakatawang-tao upang i-save ang mundo, sabi Intsik sinaunang propesiya Taiwan ay isang tagapagligtas, of course, hinulaan ng Bibliya na si Hesus ay ipinanganak sa dulo upang iligtas ang mga mananampalataya ay walang duda ??? Kung ang kasalukuyang gilid sa World War II, karamihan sa ngalan ng mga kasalukuyang tao mabigat na kasalanan, sa pamumuno ng relihiyon kahinaan Pangunahing mundo kabutihan, si Jesus ay hindi magpapahinga sa mahihirap pera ?? church Kaligtasan na gilid habang Armageddon ay ginawa sa pamamagitan extremist elemento Cristo advanced sa Europa at ng Estados Unidos at Japan ay inilunsad, na naglalayong Tsina at Rusya sa Islamic na yaman, na si Jesus hindi doon maaaring i-save ang mundo, isa sa mga nanalo ng mga Heswita sa Russia kaligtasan at ang sagot ay oo, reincarnated Jesus master sinabi :! ako dito kapag Armageddon ay isang mainit-init na kanlungan, . Samakatuwid, maliban kung ang Russian President Vladimir Putin nagnanais na sirain siya, o hayaan ang Tagapagligtas ay dapat na karapat-dapat ng Jesus Kristiyano ay naniniwala siya ay ang muling pagkakatawang-tao ni Hesus reincarnated sa Russia habang ang Russia ay maluwalhati! ilathala ko Buddhism Ebanghelyo sa Taiwan, at na ako nito ang lahat ng mga hayop ay may espirituwal na mga ideya at tsunami Prevention ng kalupitan sa mga Hayop pagtataguyod, kakulangan ng mga pondo sa iyo sa ganitong alms, inilaan upang mangyaring wire transfer: my international exchange remittances ng bank code foreign exchange: BKTWTWTP031. Numero ng account ng bangko: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
aayde 2018 hkunhaittwin aar m gay done me sonenhaita - yayshueat wainhcarr site bhayyreeyarr mha lar nhaint aamoeaakar hcay
緬甸-耶穌 de warkya aahtaattwin : ( ainehcatine kasosai lhu hcateko tait u kalaatshi hpwalhcaee sayhkyinntararr myarr pyeenout pyetpyaal aatwat lha i lai par lainmaal ) ( nout tahpaana rarhcunhaitmyarrhcwar kyaarpyeenout tait u titeritehtotelwha shell ko saimpite ) ko aasaat winyarnyeat aayuuaas hpyitparsai dewarkya wainhcarr eat buddhabharsar aayuuaas hpyitpartaal . nhaint shell ko a sayhkan pyeenout lhu shoetmahoteaahkyarr tirahcsaran .---------- >> aakyanyhkyaote tararr s hpyanghcerain hcay hkyinn nghaar saimpite hkaesai , kaunggtaithku paatwaannkyin kaungg taithpaanpyanlaimwayhpwarrhkyinn koswarr shoetmahote ( Tai sein Taoist buddhabharsar bodhisattva hpyitlar , hkaraityaranbharsar lainmai aahchcalarm bharsarko kaunggkaintamaan !) soe parbhuu darkyount tait u kyaung shoetmahote hkway shoetmahote waat shoetmahote kyaat nhaintaahkyarr tirahcsaranmyarr aahpyit pyanlaimwayhpwarr hcay hkyinn nghaar, , makaunggtae nayrartwayko ngarell shoetmahote taithpaanpyanlaimwayhpwarrhkyinn koswarr par lain maal . kaunggmhukusol lhoethkaw aahkyarrsuumyarrko kuunye kaunggmhukusol pyupar aabhaalsuu aamyarrsone luumyoe aabhhoet kaungg par! gyaaim ‧ eat > (aamayrikaan hcaitrayy lay yarnymhauu wainhcarr - .. pokaungg ipuggol pyeetot luutwaypopyee kuunye taitko kaunggsaan kokyoe maroesarrtae luukyamaahpyit t popyee soe wainhcarr taishinay pay taesuu kapo kaluu kohtihkite , suutaitparr htihkitenarkyin rapye hpyitpartaal line Ningzhe wainhcarr aarrone hkanhcarrhcaysaw jaratlam . ) dutiy .-- > ( kayyatangya tyaww muuhkwngya s nyya y shayu eat rusharrko wainhcarr aatwat !! ) ------------- --------- luutway aamyarrkyee kyanawthoet kambharhcait aahcwann twinnayhtine kyaungg yonekyi hkyin kyabhuu ngarsieat - kam bhar hcahcya s nyya bhurarrsahkangya eat loterauttaithkuhpyitsai shin tinepyitaitpyimhar aakyoeko kaungg hkaunggsaungmhu aalwaltakuu hcait hcatain maimahote saw kyawwng, - poutkwalmhu eat int saatlaat nhaint bhurarr sahkangyaeat makaunggsawa aalotaw eat kambhar luusarrmyarr shin , htuuhtuuhkyarrhkyarr sarotesaung hcatainsai - meetaungpoutkwalmhu aashonepaw naytae nyauukaleeyarrhcaitpwal sainnwhaell hkaerasai tinepyi , tahkyarrninengan twayrae raimhaannhkyetkyee ** .--- mwaelyaw sayanjartamyarr paw bhamsee m hcaitkyee hpyithcaymai m hkyithkyinnmayttar tirihcsaranmyarr hpyitsaeet raynan kyount luuaamyarrhcu nyhany sell hkyinn nghaar mimithoetkopine aakyoehceepwarr sai luusarrmyarr , raungghphoet lhapasaw package ko se shoet rancid ray hkae shin, htihkitemhu aahkyarrsuumyarr kainsar r . *** bharsartararraarrloneko kaunggkainbhone shi tawmuu takaaltot layyhcarr rar , kaunggkainbhone ?? tuunyesaw luutait u hpyit hcay hkyinn nghaar , bhurarrsahkainsar detot kambhar tirihcsaranmyarr a myaoe myaoeko kohkyit ko hk hcyaya mw kwayee mha hc lhaay tya tyaww ko kaunggkaintamaan raanponengway mayttar shoetmahotebharsarrayy aahpwalaahcaeemyarr htaat dawlar bheleyanpaunggmyarrhcwar po sai mahote, aarrnaeehkyet kyountluu aanaeengaalsar se lyawmhu shoetmahote sainnrellsaw suuko tirahcsaran aakyaunggmashi taat raut aarronehkanhcarrmhu bhaalsuu .------ kambhartawham nhaitpaungg htaungpaunggmyarrhcwareat ဧwangayli tararr kohaw hphoetnae bharsartararr a myaoe myaoeko hpaanteeraan sai dawlarbheleyan rarpaunggmyarrhcwar bhurarr sahkangya sanyya lhu jartihkanyuu detot kambharbharsartararr myarrk hkyithkainmyatnoetae aatuutuu painhpyitparsai kwalpyarr hkyarrnarrsaw narmataw kom taw muu sawbhurarrsahkainsai , < aatuutuu laat mar rinhangya nhaithkua nhaittahtaung , .------ shipartaal karunar aasainn eat naatbhurarrm dar dekabyaar hpyitpartaal , shoetsaw suu karr aabhaalsuu ko tupahphoet a bhaalsuu myaham ?> bhurarr sahkangya sanyya dar kambhar hkyit. sain hcaitpwal aaniner mha tahkyarrninengan eataahkyarr aarainnaamyitmyarrko hpyetseehphoet bharsartararrko sainhkyay eat myaypawtwin selfishness hphoetloaaut paymaae mihcsar taparr saw bhurarrthoetko pyaဿnar kokoe khayya bhell kataeek . bhurarr sahkangya sanyya a rar hkautsaim kohpaansainn , a bhaalsuusai ! sahkainyayshuhkaraittaw hthoetnout yonekyisuumyarr kokaaltain larraan kati ko htwannlainnhcay aatwin bhurarr sahkangya sanyya bhurarrsahkangya shinaytaal, tahkyarrbharsartararr hpyetseehphoet bhurarrsahkaineat nar m tyawweat aaswin aouttwin suuthoetko mamayy paymaae aatwat (aahkyarr ninenganmyarrshi hkaraityaranbhurarrkyaungg titehkitemhu bharsarrayy ) maimahote , bhurarrsahkain hpaansainn paymaae ikambhar a sone sar luusarrhkyinnhcarnarhtouthtarr hkolhuanrar sayy ngaaltae aarayaatwat k kuunyepayyninesai aamyarrhcuk hkaraityarantwayko (aahkyarr ninenganmyarrtwin shisawaasainntaw titehkite bharsartararrko ) shikyaeat suuthoetrae sahkain konarrlai aasonepyupone paymaae tools twayko lawkesarr koaaungnine mha (aahkyarr tinepyi bharsartararrko aasainntaw titehkiteraan ) aahpyit nhaint aahcwannrout aatwat k lamlwal m pyanine raimhaannhkyet sarsanarpyu sya jarlwhammoemhu aout, pahtamakambharhcait bhayy raan, nayaainmyarr ------ ------------- ngarell eat meetoutmyarr hpyitlar ------------- kyanaw tahkyarr bharsartararrko hp kyaya see hkyin bhaaltotmha nhaithku bharsartararr nhaint aatuu tarote buddhabharsar, Taoist tarote buddhabharsar nhaint aatuu r ngyaainsaathkyinn eat bharsartararr myarrmhar hpyiteat, hthoetkyountngarsai yayshu eat taishimhu ko sansay m, darpaymaae kayyatangya tyaww muu hkwngya mha yayshu eat wainhcarr sansay parbhuu . tarote shayyhaungg aanar gat ti aayde 2016 2018 aay de tatiy kambhar hc hc , hkaraityaran sammarkyamhcar parawhpaatpyu rite htaeet par lain maallhoet pyawwpartaal! bharpellhpyithpyit aahkyane paw aayde 2015 twin aalwan neekaut hkae, nepaw buddhawain hcarr kambhar kaal hphoet shi, tarote shayyhaungg aanar gat ti htinewam kaaltain saw sahkain hpyit lain maallhoet pyawwpartaal, saintaann eat, sammarkyamhcar s nyya y shayu yonekyisuumyarr a myarraarr hpyint laatshi lhu sain hkyaine ko a pw hcya ko, bharsarrayy hkaunggsaungpine aarrnaee hkyinn eat kohcarr, dutiyakambhar hc hc aatwin k laatshi aahcwannmaalsorain ??? sansay mashiparbhuu kaaltainraan a sone bhwarr myin lim maihuparawhpaatpyu kambhar hcatesai u hcee, y shayu sainnrellsarr ko pitesan kyane waut maimahote ??, hcatainhkae aahchc lar m sayanjartamyarr nhaint aatuu tarote nhaint rusharr rairwal, y shayu k rar bhaat hkyam aar m gay done orawp nhaint aamayrikaan nhaint gyapaan aatwat aasaint myint hkaraittaw aatwat aahcwannrout dyaut hcain myarr kyount lote nayhcany ko kaaltainhkyinnaasainntaw aelldemhar, rusharr kaaltainhkyinn ko aatwat gyapaanshoeteat Victor myarrhtellmha kambhar kaaltain taw nhaint a hpyay hotepartaal hpyitparsai, y shayu s nyyasahkangya < meetaung pawhtwatlar pay aar m gay done tait nwayhtway hkolhuanrar hpw hcya limya manyya sanyya aahkar demharraal :! k sosai pyanwain hcarr paungg nyauukaleeyarr mahotenine hcaitpwal site bhayy reeyarr aapuuhkyane> . hthoetkyount rusharrsammat u mahoteshin balardemarpuutain k shuko hpyetsee shoetmahote kaaltainshin s nyya y shayu hk r hcya yar ko hkan htitesaw suu hpyit saint par rairwalhtarr kya lain mai rusharr k bhu nya kwee saw nayhcany rusharrninengan pyanwain hcarr suu yayshu eat wainhcarr sai ko yonekyi kyalot, ngarsai htinewam aatwat buddhabharsarko ဧwangayli tararr ko htotepyankyawngyaar ninenganhkyarrngwaybhan code ko ngar a aapyipyisinerar lelllhaal ngwaylwhaell: BKTWTWTP031 ngar k ၎inneat aarrlone tirihcsaranmyarr hpyitkyaunggko war yar kyaoe lwhaellpyaungg nhaitsaatsaw raan rairwal tirahcsaranmyarr hcaeeronerayy de swm mhar sain hphoet raanponengway mashihkyinn, wi nyar n aakyaanoarnmyarr nhaint raathcaat kyam kyuat eat suunarme karkwal tarrseerayy shisai . bhan aakaung nanparat: 031007963753 aasonepyusuuaamai: Zhengbing Hui .
तीन साल ईस्वी 2018 आर्मागेडन से पहले - यीशु के पुनर्जन्म साइबेरिया के लिए आते हैं और आश्रयों बनाने
印度-耶穌 (आइंस्टीन ने कहा: मानव मन मौत धाराओं के बाद शून्य में भटकना होगा, एक मौजूदा फार्म) इस वाक्य से ऊपर आत्मा (फिर सदियों बाद एक लाइव खोल कब्जा कर लिया) इस वाक्य पुनर्जन्म के बौद्ध अवधारणा है की अवधारणा है। , और कब्जा कर लिया था खोल (ताई पाप Taoist, बौद्ध बोधिसत्व, ईसाई और एक अच्छा माहौल अच्छा पुनर्जन्म के लिए जाने के लिए या बन जाएगा, >> .---------- मौत के बाद सारांश निर्णय मानव या अन्य जानवर हो सकता है इस्लाम परी!) बुरे लोगों को बुरा स्थानों के लिए नरक या पुनर्जन्म के लिए जाना जाएगा, यह एक बिल्ली या कुत्ते या एक सुअर या चिकन और अन्य जानवरों के रूप में पुनर्जन्म हो सकता है। तथाकथित अच्छा दूसरों की मदद करने के लिए अच्छे कर्म करते हैं, जो ज्यादातर लोगों के लिए अच्छा है! स्वार्थी स्वार्थ बेईमान खलनायक दूसरों को चोट पहुँचाई है .. बेहतर है इस व्यक्ति को तो अधिक लोगों की मदद करने के लिए कर रहा है, और अधिक बुरा पुनर्जन्म मौजूद है, जो और अधिक लोगों को चोट लगी है, एक - जेम्स ‧ के> (अमेरिकी सैन्य पायलटों पुनर्जन्म लाइ Ningzhe पुनर्जन्म सनसनीखेज कहानी है।) दूसरा .--> (मुक्ति के लिए यीशु के रूस पुनर्जन्म में !!) -------------------------- मैं बहुत से लोगों को हम एक विश्व युद्ध के किनारे में रहते हैं कि विश्वास करने के लिए नहीं करना चाहती पता है - प्रत्येक देश इनाम अच्छा नेतृत्व को आसानी से एक युद्ध शुरू नहीं होगा, क्योंकि विश्व युद्ध के भगवान के एक अधिनियम है - अगर निरंतर बस और दुनिया के पाप भगवान का पालन नहीं करेंगे और हड़ताल - विस्फोट की और ज्वालामुखी विस्फोट देश परमाणु युद्ध का एक नुकसान कर देगा नहीं अन्य देशों .--- ** की पदलोलुप संसाधनों का आनंद जब्त करने के लिए युद्ध पर था, कार्ड, खूबसूरती को बेचने के लिए खाद्य तेल में लिपटे के साथ अपने स्वयं के हितों के लिए मनुष्य ऐसे बासी पानी और तेल के रूप में सबसे अधिक लोगों को नुकसान पहुँचाने की अगर मनुष्य, दूसरों को नुकसान कैंसर नहीं प्यार जानवरों मिलता है। *** स्वर्ग वास्तव में जो सभी धर्मों में ?? प्रशंसा भगवान एक ही व्यक्ति हो सकता है, केवल भगवान के लिए इतना दुनिया पशुओं के सभी प्रकार, पृथ्वी पर भेजा स्वर्गदूतों फंड जुटाने दान या धार्मिक संस्थाओं की तुलना में अधिक अरबों डॉलर का नहीं है, लेकिन प्यार थोड़ा प्रासंगिकता कमजोर लोगों के लिए या गरीब पशु प्यार करता था एक सनसनी का कारण बना है जो आगे आने के लिए .--हजारों साल के लिए अरबों .------ भगवान अवतार के सैकड़ों सुसमाचार प्रचार करने के लिए और इसलिए दुनिया के धर्मों ने प्रशंसा धर्मों, सभी प्रकार बनाने के लिए दुनिया भर में कर रहे हैं सिर्फ एक अलग नाम है, जो एक ही ईश्वर, <एक ही हाथ मरियम और दो हजार साल है दया उपस्थिति की देवी ताकि हड़ताली है, लेकिन कोई भी नकल करने के लिए कौन?> भगवान के लिए इतना दुनिया प्यार के बाद से, तुम युद्ध जीतने के लिए अन्य देशों के अन्य संसाधनों को नष्ट करने के लिए धर्म बहाना के आधार पर स्वार्थ की जरूरत है, लेकिन झूठे देवताओं समस्या की पूजा नहीं की थी। भगवान सब कुछ बनाया है, भगवान ने बनाया है भगवान, जो इसलिए ईश्वर है, अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए भगवान के नाम की आड़ में उन्हें पूछने के लिए नहीं होगा, लेकिन नहीं के भीतर (अन्य देशों में चर्च हमलों धार्मिक) में! यीशु मसीह, फिर चमकने विश्वासियों को बचाने के लिए आने के लिए वादा किया है, लेकिन दुनिया के अंत में केवल मानवीय शरण की एक छोटी संख्या में मदद कर सकते हैं, ज्यादातर ईसाई थे (अन्य देशों में चर्च हमले धर्म) अपने प्रभु को समझने के द्वारा गुमराह नहीं किया जा सकता है, लेकिन (किसी अन्य देश धर्म चर्च पर हमला) के रूप में उपकरणों के लिए दुनिया को जीत और चरम में करने के लिए महत्वाकांक्षा मिशनरी प्रभाव के तहत, विश्व युद्ध के संकट के लिए, घरों ------ ------------- नरक की आग बन ------------- मैं दो धर्मों अन्य धर्मों के साथ साथ पाने के लिए शांति का धर्म हैं नष्ट करना चाहते हैं कभी नहीं के साथ एक चीनी बौद्ध, Taoist चीनी बौद्ध धर्म हूँ, इसलिए मैं यीशु के अस्तित्व पर शक नहीं है, लेकिन मुक्ति के लिए यीशु के पुनर्जन्म पर शक नहीं है। चीनी प्राचीन भविष्यवाणी ई 2016, ईसाई बाइबल भविष्यवाणी! वैसे भी समय पर विज्ञापन 2015 कर दिया गया है बहुत करीब है, नेपाल 2018 ईस्वी में, तीसरा विश्व युद्ध में प्रवेश करेंगे कहते हैं बुद्ध पुनर्जन्म दुनिया को बचाना है, चीनी प्राचीन भविष्यवाणी ताइवान एक उद्धारकर्ता हो जाएगा कहते हैं, ज़ाहिर है, बाइबल यीशु विश्वासियों ??? कोई संदेह नहीं है बचाव के लिए अंत में जन्म होगा भविष्यवाणी की है कि यदि द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध में वर्तमान में बढ़त, ज्यादातर मौजूदा मानव गंभीर पाप की ओर से धार्मिक नेतृत्व कमजोरी दुनिया अच्छाई अग्रणी, यीशु, गरीब पैसे में इस्लामी संसाधनों के साथ चीन और रूस के उद्देश्य से शुरू कर रहे हैं यूरोप और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और जापान में उन्नत मसीह में उग्रवादी तत्वों द्वारा किया जाता है आर्मागेडन जबकि जो पक्ष ?? साल्वेशन चर्च, आराम यीशु कि नहीं होगा वहाँ, रूस मोक्ष में जीसस के विजेताओं में से एक दुनिया को बचाने के लिए और इसका जवाब हां में है नहीं कर सकते, यीशु गुरु ने कहा कि पुनर्जन्म :! आर्मागेडन एक गर्म शरण होगा जब मैं यहाँ हूँ, <ज्वालामुखी फूटना प्लस परमाणु करता है रूसी राष्ट्रपति व्लादिमीर पुतिन ने उसे नष्ट कर, या उद्धारकर्ता वह रूस गौरवशाली है, जबकि रूस में reincarnated यीशु के पुनर्जन्म का मानना है कि यीशु ने ईसाइयों के योग्य होना चाहिए जाने का इरादा रखता है जब तक कि युद्ध के साइबेरिया तापमान>। इसलिए,! मैं ताइवान में बौद्ध धर्म का सुसमाचार प्रचार करेंगे, विदेशी मुद्रा बैंक कोड की मेरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा प्रेषण: और मैं अपने हूँ कि सभी जानवरों के आध्यात्मिक विचारों और तार स्थानांतरण को खुश करने का इरादा पशु वकालत, इस भिक्षा में आप के लिए धन की कमी है, के प्रति क्रूरता की सूनामी की रोकथाम है BKTWTWTP031। बैंक खाता संख्या: 031007963753 नाम: Zhengbing हुई।
Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015
Three years before AD 2018 Armageddon - the reincarnation of Jesus come to Siberia and make shelters
Three years before AD 2018 Armageddon - the reincarnation of Jesus come to Siberia and make shelters英文-耶穌 (Einstein said: the human mind form a current, will wander in the void after death currents) above this sentence is the concept of the soul (again centuries later occupied a live shell) This sentence is the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. , and was occupied shell may be human or other animal .---------- >> summary judgment after death, will go to a good environment good rebirth or become (Tai Sin Taoist, Buddhist bodhisattva, Christianity and Islam angel!) the bad guys will go to hell or rebirth to bad places, it may be reborn as a cat or a dog or a pig or chicken and other animals. The so-called good is good for most people who do good deeds to help others! .. to help more people better then this person is selfish self-interest unscrupulous villains have hurt others, hurt more people who more bad reincarnation does exist, one -> (American military pilots reincarnation of James ‧ Lai Ningzhe reincarnation sensational story.) Second .--> (in Russia reincarnation of Jesus to salvation !!) ------------- I know a lot of people do not want to believe we are in World War II at the edge - because countries reward good leadership will not easily start a war, if world war is an act of God - just the continuity of explosion and volcanic eruption would cause a loss of nuclear States had to wage war, not on ambition House want to use war to seize the resources of other countries .--- ** - .--- ** - And the world's sins will God starts acting strangely, if humans do not love animals, if humans for their own interests to harm most people, such as the oil was rancid water packed into a beautiful advanced eating oil to sell, harm others get cancer. *** heaven where ?? actually all religions admired God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, which is not an angel sent to earth billions of fundraising a charity or religious institutions dollars or more, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation .------ incarnation God has hundreds of billions, for thousands of years to preach the gospel throughout the world and to create all religions, so admired by the world's religions is the same God who is just a different name, ----- ?> ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness on the grounds of religion excuse to destroy the other resources of other countries to win the war, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world will not tell others under the guise of the name of God to destroy other religions! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack other countries religion)! Jesus Christ has shone then promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only save a few people do not like the good war believers to refuge, most Christians were (the church attack religion in other countries) can not be misled by understanding their Lord, but as (the church attack religion in other countries) is a tool to conquer the world and hand in extreme ambition missionary influence banner of jihad, to World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .-- ------------- I am a Chinese Buddhist, Taoist Chinese Buddhism with the two religions never want to destroy other religions are religions of peace to get along with, so I do not doubt the existence of Jesus, but do not doubt the reincarnation of Jesus to salvation. Chinese ancient prophecy says AD 2016 will enter the Third World War, in 2018 AD, the Christian Bible prophecy! Anyway AD 2015 on time has been very close, Nepal Buddha reincarnation have to save the world, Chinese ancient prophecy says Taiwan will be a savior, of course, the Bible prophesied that Jesus would be born in the end to rescue believers have no doubt ??? If the current edge in World War II, mostly on behalf of current human grave sin, religious leadership weakness Leading world goodness, Jesus will not rest in poor money ?? Salvation church which side while Armageddon is made by extremist elements in Christ advanced in Europe and the United States and Japan are launched, aimed at China and Russia with the Islamic resources, that Jesus there can not save the world, one of the victors of the Jesuits in Russia salvation and the answer is yes, Jesus reincarnated master said:! I'm here when Armageddon will be a warm refuge, . Therefore, unless the Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to destroy him, or let the Savior should be worthy of Jesus Christians believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus reincarnated in Russia while Russia is glorious! I publicize Buddhism Gospel in Taiwan, and that I am its all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Einstein said: the human mind form the current,
英文-愛因(Einstein said: the human mind form a current, will wander in the void after death currents) above this sentence is the concept of the soul (again centuries later occupied a live shell) This sentence is the Buddhist concept of reincarnation. , and was occupied shell may be human or other animal .---------- >> summary judgment after death, will go to a good environment good rebirth or become (Tai Sin Taoist, Buddhist bodhisattva, Christianity and Islam angel!) the bad guys will go to hell or rebirth to bad places, it may be reborn as a cat or a dog or a pig or chicken and other animals. the so-called good is good for most people who do good deeds to help others! .. to help more people better then this person is selfish self-interest unscrupulous villains have hurt others, hurt more people who more bad reincarnation does exist, one -> (American military pilots reincarnation of James ‧ Lai Ningzhe reincarnation sensational story.) Second .--> (in Russia reincarnation of Jesus to salvation !!)------------- I am a Chinese Buddhist, Taoist Chinese Buddhism with the two religions never want to destroy other religions are religions of peace to get along with, so I do not doubt the existence of Jesus, but do not doubt the reincarnation of Jesus to salvation. Chinese ancient prophecy says AD 2016 will enter the Third World War, in 2018 AD, the Christian Bible prophecy! Anyway AD 2015 on time has been very close, Nepal Buddha reincarnation have to save the world, Chinese ancient prophecy says Taiwan will be a savior, of course, the Bible prophesied that Jesus would be born in the end to rescue believers have no doubt ??? If the current edge in World War II, mostly on behalf of current human grave sin, religious leadership weakness Leading world goodness, Jesus will not rest in poor money ?? Salvation church which side while Armageddon is made by extremist elements in Christ advanced in Europe and the United States and Japan are launched, aimed at China and Russia with the Islamic resources, that Jesus there can not save the world, one of the victors of the Jesuits in Russia salvation and the answer is yes, Jesus reincarnated master said:! I'm here when Armageddon will be a warm refuge, . Therefore, unless the Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to destroy him, or let the Savior should be worthy of Jesus Christians believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus reincarnated in Russia while Russia is glorious! ------- ------I know a lot of people do not want to believe that we live in a world war edge - because each country reward good leadership will not easily start a war, if world war is an act of God - just the continuity of explosions and volcanic eruptions will make the nuclear-weapon States do not know that measures have to wage war, and the world's sins will God erratic, if humans do not love animals, if humans for their own interests to harm most people, such as the oil was rancid water into a beautiful package edible oil sell, harm others get cancer. *** heaven where ?? actually all religions admired God may be the same person, there is no need to selfishness oil to destroy other religions excuse to wage war to seize the resources of other countries. --- --- I propaganda in Taiwan Buddhist gospel, and that I am its all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015
laatshi aasopar pyetpyaal aatwat a say hkan pyeenout lha ny lai lain maihu lhu hcate ko tait u k laatshi hpwalhcaeetiteritehtotelwha shell ko swarr t rar nhait ko saimpite: ainehcatine kapyawwpartaal(緬甸-愛因施坦)
de warkya aahtaattwin: ( ainehcatine k sosai lhu hcate ko tait u k laatshi hpwalhcaee sayhkyinntararr myarr pyeenout pyetpyaal aatwat lha i lai par lain maal) ( nout tahpaan a rarhcunhait myarrhcwar kyaarpyeenout tait utiteritehtotelwha shell ko saimpite) ko aasaat winyarny eat aayuuaas hpyitparsai de warkya wainhcarr eat buddhabharsar aayuuaas hpyitpartaal . nhaint shell ko a say hkan pyeenout lhu shoetmahote aahkyarrtirahcsaran .---------- >> aakyany hkyaote tararr s hpyang hcerain hcay hkyinn nghaar saimpite hkaesai, kaungg taithku paatwaannkyin kaungg taithpaan pyanlaimwayhpwarrhkyinn ko swarrshoetmahote (Tai sein Taoist buddhabharsar bodhisattva hpyitlar, hkaraityaranbharsar lainmai aahchcalarm bharsar ko kaunggkain tamaan!) soe parbhuu dar kyount tait u kyaung shoetmahote hkway shoetmahote waat shoetmahote kyaat nhaint aahkyarr tirahcsaranmyarr aahpyit pyanlai mwayhpwarr hcay hkyinn nghaar,, makaunggtae nayrartwayko ng rell shoetmahote taithpaan pyanlaimwayhpwarrhkyinn koswarrpar lain maal . kaunggmhu kusol lhoet hkaw aahkyarrsuumyarr ko kuunye kaunggmhu kusol pyu par a bhaalsuu aamyarrsone luumyoe a bhhoet kaungg par! sain pokaungg i puggol ko kuunye payypartaal . baddies maroesarrtae taitko kaungg saankokyoe sar. luu suu a posoe luutway popyee narkyin, aahkyarrsuumyarr ko htihkite parpye . ------ kyanaw htinewam aatwat buddhabharsarko ဧwangayli tararr ko htotepyan kyawngyaar, ngarsai ၎inneat aarrlonehpyitkyaunggko ninenganhkyarrngwaybhan code ko ngar a aapyipyisinerar lelllhaal ngwaylwhaell: BKTWTWTP031 tirihcsaranmyarr war yar kyaoe lwhaellpyaungg nhaitsaatsaw raan rairwal tirahcsaranmyarr hcaeeronerayy de swm mhar sain hphoet raanponengway mashihkyinn, wi nyar n aakyaanoarnmyarr nhaint raathcaat kyam kyuat eat suunarme karkwal tarrseerayy shisai . bhan aakaung nanparat: 031007963753 aasonepyusuuaamai: Zhengbing Hui .
आइंस्टीन ने कहा: मानव मन एक मौजूदा फार्म, शून्य में मौत के बाद भटकना होगा चालू, जी खोल जाने के लिए एक सौ साल से कब्जा कर लिया(印度-愛因斯坦)
Nāma: Zhengbing hu'ī.आइंस्टीन ने कहा: मनुष्य के मन, एक मौजूदा फार्म वर्तमान शून्य में मौत के बाद भटकना होगा आइंस्टीन ने कहा: मानव मन एक मौजूदा फार्म, शून्य में मौत के बाद भटकना होगा चालू, जी खोल जाने के लिए एक सौ साल से कब्जा कर लिया है (आइंस्टीन ने कहा: मानव मन शून्य में मानव मौत धाराओं में मौजूदा फार्म इस वाक्य से ऊपर भटक) आत्मा की अवधारणा है। (एक सौ साल से कब्जे लाइव खोल जाने के लिए) इस वाक्य मानव या अन्य जानवर हो सकता है खोल कब्जा कर लिया है, जो पुनर्जन्म के बौद्ध अवधारणा है, .------- --- >> मृत्यु के बाद सारांश न्याय, अच्छे लोगों को एक अच्छा माहौल पुनर्जन्म के लिए जाना जाएगा या बन (ताई पाप, बुद्ध बौद्ध धर्म, ईसाई धर्म और इस्लाम ताओवाद परी!) बुरे लोगों को बुरा स्थानों के लिए नरक या पुनर्जन्म के लिए जाना जाएगा, यह पुनर्जन्म हो सकता है अच्छा तथाकथित एक बिल्ली या कुत्ते या एक सुअर या चिकन और अन्य जानवरों। दूसरों की मदद करने के लिए अच्छे कर्म करते हैं, जो ज्यादातर लोगों के लिए अच्छा है! बेहतर अधिक लोगों को इस व्यक्ति की मदद। स्वार्थी स्वार्थ दूसरों को चोट करने के लिए कुछ भी कर खलनायकों बदतर दुख होगा जो लोगों को और अधिक इस व्यक्ति। ------ मैं ताइवान में बौद्ध धर्म का सुसमाचार का प्रचार, और मैं सभी जानवरों पशु वकालत करने के लिए आध्यात्मिक विचारों और क्रूरता की सुनामी रोकथाम के पास अपने हूँ, आप करने के लिए इस में धन की कमी भीख माँग है कि तार स्थानांतरण को खुश करने का इरादा: विदेशी मुद्रा बैंक कोड की मेरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा प्रेषण: BKTWTWTP031। बैंक खाता संख्या: 031007963753 नाम: Zhengbing हुई।愛因斯坦說:人的思想形成電流,在人死後電流會在虛空中遊蕩,百年後再去佔領一個活生生軀殼 .(愛因斯坦說:人的思想形成電流,在人死後電流會在虛空中遊蕩)以上這句話是靈魂的概念.(百年後再去佔領一個活生生軀殼)這句話是佛教輪迴轉世的概念,而被佔領的軀殼可能是人類或者其他動物.---------->>總之死後有審判,好人會去好的環境重生或者成為(道教的大仙,佛教的菩薩,基督教與回教的天使)!壞人會下地獄或者到不好的地方重生,也可能投胎當貓或狗或豬或雞等動物.所謂的好人就是對多數人好的人,做善事的幫助別人的人!幫助越多人則此人越好.壞人是自私自利為了私利不擇手段傷害別人的人,傷害的人越多此人越壞.
Senin, 03 Agustus 2015
Taiwan on the eve of the third world war two angels(英-天使)
Christian said: God loved the world of Buddhism, said: Buddha loves all living beings, including humans and animals!People do a great deal of good work can go to heaven and God certainly been reused, in Chinese Taoism called Sin, known as the Buddha of Buddhism in India, Christianity and Islam collectively angel! On the 3rd world war predicted that Chinese ancient prophecy in AD 2016 the Christian Bible prophecy in 2018! most of the world's human sin deep heavy in AD 2015, he went to the current situation on the eve of the 3rd world War, the so-called big names just fundraising philanthropy religious signs or vase inability to lead the world good eliminate sin, as if someone put rancid water and oil for the high-grade edible oil packaging deception society when selling! so the world widening gap democratic elections only criminal profit consortium with! ---人們做了極大的善事可以到天界去並受到上天肯定重用,在中國的道教稱為大仙,印度佛教稱為菩薩,基督教與回教統稱天使! 關於第3次世界大戰預言,中國古預言在西元2016而基督教聖經預言在2018!在西元2015年世間的人類大都罪業較深重,因此時局走到第3次世界大戰前夕,所謂的慈善界宗教界大人物只是募款的招牌或花瓶.無力帶領世間向善消除罪業,就好像有人把餿水油換了包裝欺瞞社會當高檔食用油賣!所以世間貧富差距不斷擴大,民主選舉圖利的祇是罪犯跟財團!---Angel on earth just past many little people, but do control the wealth of the powerful big man can not benefit beings, just like on the battlefield can win with less talent who is the God of War to defeat the few people who lose a humiliating victory inevitable .--- Jia Hongqiu lifetime dedicated shelter stray dogs to keep sick thus exhausted their savings, in AD 2007 to the Government of culling stray dogs things to powerful people beg Gou Gou ruthless initially agreed to support the Government subsequently gone back the culling of stray dogs , cats and dogs born supernatural spiritual constitution of yin and yang eye high, the Taiwan government culling of stray dogs made a high number of curse, in AD 2010 on the occasion of the Assumption Jia Hongqiu Gou's Foxconn factory continuous 12 employees committed suicide supernatural events proclaim international .-- - Taiwan's government to confront the powerful interests of the US Pacific China, conscription during seven decades have served more than one hundred thousand people killed by the military because of the irrational training, Hung Chung mound is one of the flood in 2013 BC after the death of Chung mound odd family! chase pursuit of truth for all people to see the true face of darkness! --- European and American media only care about the human rights of prisoners of Taiwan, human rights, Taiwan really good people, only China with Russian media concern, little people can for the death of millions of stray dogs and ten million or more people to come forward unreasonable training tragic death, Jia Hongqiu and Hong Chung mound is true angel. (drawing below please continue with your mouse to zoom)過去很多天使在人間只是小人物,但卻做到掌控財富權勢的大人物所做不到的利益眾生.就像戰場上能夠以少人勝多人才是戰神,以多人勝少人勝利必然輸了丟臉.---賈鴻秋生前專門收留生病的流浪狗來養因而耗盡積蓄,在西元2007為了政府撲殺流浪狗的事去跪求有力人士郭台銘,無情的郭台銘起初答應後來出爾反爾贊成政府撲殺流浪狗,貓狗天生靈異體質陰陽眼靈性高,台灣政府撲殺流浪狗的數量很多犯了天譴,在西元2010年賈鴻秋升天之際,郭台銘的富士康工廠連續12名員工跳樓自殺靈異事件昭告國際.---台灣政府為了美國太平洋利益對抗強大的中國,七十年來的徵兵制有超過十萬人服役期間因不合理訓練慘死軍中,洪仲丘是其中之一!在西元2013洪仲丘死後奇家人窮追不捨追求真相讓全民看清黑暗真面目!---歐美媒體只關心台灣犯人的人權,真正台灣善良百姓的人權只有中國跟俄國媒體關心,小人物中能為死去上千萬流浪狗以及十萬以上不合理訓練慘死百姓挺身而出,賈鴻秋和洪仲丘是真正的天使.(下方圖面請用滑鼠點下去可放大)I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Taiwan on the eve of the third world war two angels(英-天使)
Christian said: God loved the world of Buddhism, said: Buddha loves all living beings, including humans and animals!People do a great deal of good work can go to heaven and God certainly been reused, in Chinese Taoism called Sin, known as the Buddha of Buddhism in India, Christianity and Islam collectively angel! On the 3rd world war predicted that Chinese ancient prophecy in AD 2016 the Christian Bible prophecy in 2018! most of the world's human sin deep heavy in AD 2015, he went to the current situation on the eve of the 3rd world War, the so-called big names just fundraising philanthropy religious signs or vase inability to lead the world good eliminate sin, as if someone put rancid water and oil for the high-grade edible oil packaging deception society when selling! so the world widening gap democratic elections only criminal profit consortium with! ---人們做了極大的善事可以到天界去並受到上天肯定重用,在中國的道教稱為大仙,印度佛教稱為菩薩,基督教與回教統稱天使! 關於第3次世界大戰預言,中國古預言在西元2016而基督教聖經預言在2018!在西元2015年世間的人類大都罪業較深重,因此時局走到第3次世界大戰前夕,所謂的慈善界宗教界大人物只是募款的招牌或花瓶.無力帶領世間向善消除罪業,就好像有人把餿水油換了包裝欺瞞社會當高檔食用油賣!所以世間貧富差距不斷擴大,民主選舉圖利的祇是罪犯跟財團!---Angel on earth just past many little people, but do control the wealth of the powerful big man can not benefit beings, just like on the battlefield can win with less talent who is the God of War to defeat the few people who lose a humiliating victory inevitable .--- Jia Hongqiu lifetime dedicated shelter stray dogs to keep sick thus exhausted their savings, in AD 2007 to the Government of culling stray dogs things to powerful people beg Gou Gou ruthless initially agreed to support the Government subsequently gone back the culling of stray dogs , cats and dogs born supernatural spiritual constitution of yin and yang eye high, the Taiwan government culling of stray dogs made a high number of curse, in AD 2010 on the occasion of the Assumption Jia Hongqiu Gou's Foxconn factory continuous 12 employees committed suicide supernatural events proclaim international .-- - Taiwan's government to confront the powerful interests of the US Pacific China, conscription during seven decades have served more than one hundred thousand people killed by the military because of the irrational training, Hung Chung mound is one of the flood in 2013 BC after the death of Chung mound odd family! chase pursuit of truth for all people to see the true face of darkness! --- European and American media only care about the human rights of prisoners of Taiwan, human rights, Taiwan really good people, only China with Russian media concern, little people can for the death of millions of stray dogs and ten million or more people to come forward unreasonable training tragic death, Jia Hongqiu and Hong Chung mound is true angel. (drawing below please continue with your mouse to zoom)過去很多天使在人間只是小人物,但卻做到掌控財富權勢的大人物所做不到的利益眾生.就像戰場上能夠以少人勝多人才是戰神,以多人勝少人勝利必然輸了丟臉.---賈鴻秋生前專門收留生病的流浪狗來養因而耗盡積蓄,在西元2007為了政府撲殺流浪狗的事去跪求有力人士郭台銘,無情的郭台銘起初答應後來出爾反爾贊成政府撲殺流浪狗,貓狗天生靈異體質陰陽眼靈性高,台灣政府撲殺流浪狗的數量很多犯了天譴,在西元2010年賈鴻秋升天之際,郭台銘的富士康工廠連續12名員工跳樓自殺靈異事件昭告國際.---台灣政府為了美國太平洋利益對抗強大的中國,七十年來的徵兵制有超過十萬人服役期間因不合理訓練慘死軍中,洪仲丘是其中之一!在西元2013洪仲丘死後奇家人窮追不捨追求真相讓全民看清黑暗真面目!---歐美媒體只關心台灣犯人的人權,真正台灣善良百姓的人權只有中國跟俄國媒體關心,小人物中能為死去上千萬流浪狗以及十萬以上不合理訓練慘死百姓挺身而出,賈鴻秋和洪仲丘是真正的天使.(下方圖面請用滑鼠點下去可放大)I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Taiwan on the eve of the third world war two angels(英-天使)
Christian said: God loved the world of Buddhism, said: Buddha loves all living beings, including humans and animals!People do a great deal of good work can go to heaven and God certainly been reused, in Chinese Taoism called Sin, known as the Buddha of Buddhism in India, Christianity and Islam collectively angel! On the 3rd world war predicted that Chinese ancient prophecy in AD 2016 the Christian Bible prophecy in 2018! most of the world's human sin deep heavy in AD 2015, he went to the current situation on the eve of the 3rd world War, the so-called big names just fundraising philanthropy religious signs or vase inability to lead the world good eliminate sin, as if someone put rancid water and oil for the high-grade edible oil packaging deception society when selling! so the world widening gap democratic elections only criminal profit consortium with! ---人們做了極大的善事可以到天界去並受到上天肯定重用,在中國的道教稱為大仙,印度佛教稱為菩薩,基督教與回教統稱天使! 關於第3次世界大戰預言,中國古預言在西元2016而基督教聖經預言在2018!在西元2015年世間的人類大都罪業較深重,因此時局走到第3次世界大戰前夕,所謂的慈善界宗教界大人物只是募款的招牌或花瓶.無力帶領世間向善消除罪業,就好像有人把餿水油換了包裝欺瞞社會當高檔食用油賣!所以世間貧富差距不斷擴大,民主選舉圖利的祇是罪犯跟財團!---Angel on earth just past many little people, but do control the wealth of the powerful big man can not benefit beings, just like on the battlefield can win with less talent who is the God of War to defeat the few people who lose a humiliating victory inevitable .--- Jia Hongqiu lifetime dedicated shelter stray dogs to keep sick thus exhausted their savings, in AD 2007 to the Government of culling stray dogs things to powerful people beg Gou Gou ruthless initially agreed to support the Government subsequently gone back the culling of stray dogs , cats and dogs born supernatural spiritual constitution of yin and yang eye high, the Taiwan government culling of stray dogs made a high number of curse, in AD 2010 on the occasion of the Assumption Jia Hongqiu Gou's Foxconn factory continuous 12 employees committed suicide supernatural events proclaim international .-- - Taiwan's government to confront the powerful interests of the US Pacific China, conscription during seven decades have served more than one hundred thousand people killed by the military because of the irrational training, Hung Chung mound is one of the flood in 2013 BC after the death of Chung mound odd family! chase pursuit of truth for all people to see the true face of darkness! --- European and American media only care about the human rights of prisoners of Taiwan, human rights, Taiwan really good people, only China with Russian media concern, little people can for the death of millions of stray dogs and ten million or more people to come forward unreasonable training tragic death, Jia Hongqiu and Hong Chung mound is true angel. (drawing below please continue with your mouse to zoom)過去很多天使在人間只是小人物,但卻做到掌控財富權勢的大人物所做不到的利益眾生.就像戰場上能夠以少人勝多人才是戰神,以多人勝少人勝利必然輸了丟臉.---賈鴻秋生前專門收留生病的流浪狗來養因而耗盡積蓄,在西元2007為了政府撲殺流浪狗的事去跪求有力人士郭台銘,無情的郭台銘起初答應後來出爾反爾贊成政府撲殺流浪狗,貓狗天生靈異體質陰陽眼靈性高,台灣政府撲殺流浪狗的數量很多犯了天譴,在西元2010年賈鴻秋升天之際,郭台銘的富士康工廠連續12名員工跳樓自殺靈異事件昭告國際.---台灣政府為了美國太平洋利益對抗強大的中國,七十年來的徵兵制有超過十萬人服役期間因不合理訓練慘死軍中,洪仲丘是其中之一!在西元2013洪仲丘死後奇家人窮追不捨追求真相讓全民看清黑暗真面目!---歐美媒體只關心台灣犯人的人權,真正台灣善良百姓的人權只有中國跟俄國媒體關心,小人物中能為死去上千萬流浪狗以及十萬以上不合理訓練慘死百姓挺身而出,賈鴻秋和洪仲丘是真正的天使.(下方圖面請用滑鼠點下去可放大)I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
Taiwan on the eve of the third world war two angels(英-天使)
Christian said: God loved the world of Buddhism, said: Buddha loves all living beings, including humans and animals!People do a great deal of good work can go to heaven and God certainly been reused, in Chinese Taoism called Sin, known as the Buddha of Buddhism in India, Christianity and Islam collectively angel! On the 3rd world war predicted that Chinese ancient prophecy in AD 2016 the Christian Bible prophecy in 2018! most of the world's human sin deep heavy in AD 2015, he went to the current situation on the eve of the 3rd world War, the so-called big names just fundraising philanthropy religious signs or vase inability to lead the world good eliminate sin, as if someone put rancid water and oil for the high-grade edible oil packaging deception society when selling! so the world widening gap democratic elections only criminal profit consortium with! ---人們做了極大的善事可以到天界去並受到上天肯定重用,在中國的道教稱為大仙,印度佛教稱為菩薩,基督教與回教統稱天使! 關於第3次世界大戰預言,中國古預言在西元2016而基督教聖經預言在2018!在西元2015年世間的人類大都罪業較深重,因此時局走到第3次世界大戰前夕,所謂的慈善界宗教界大人物只是募款的招牌或花瓶.無力帶領世間向善消除罪業,就好像有人把餿水油換了包裝欺瞞社會當高檔食用油賣!所以世間貧富差距不斷擴大,民主選舉圖利的祇是罪犯跟財團!---Angel on earth just past many little people, but do control the wealth of the powerful big man can not benefit beings, just like on the battlefield can win with less talent who is the God of War to defeat the few people who lose a humiliating victory inevitable .--- Jia Hongqiu lifetime dedicated shelter stray dogs to keep sick thus exhausted their savings, in AD 2007 to the Government of culling stray dogs things to powerful people beg Gou Gou ruthless initially agreed to support the Government subsequently gone back the culling of stray dogs , cats and dogs born supernatural spiritual constitution of yin and yang eye high, the Taiwan government culling of stray dogs made a high number of curse, in AD 2010 on the occasion of the Assumption Jia Hongqiu Gou's Foxconn factory continuous 12 employees committed suicide supernatural events proclaim international .-- - Taiwan's government to confront the powerful interests of the US Pacific China, conscription during seven decades have served more than one hundred thousand people killed by the military because of the irrational training, Hung Chung mound is one of the flood in 2013 BC after the death of Chung mound odd family! chase pursuit of truth for all people to see the true face of darkness! --- European and American media only care about the human rights of prisoners of Taiwan, human rights, Taiwan really good people, only China with Russian media concern, little people can for the death of millions of stray dogs and ten million or more people to come forward unreasonable training tragic death, Jia Hongqiu and Hong Chung mound is true angel. (drawing below please continue with your mouse to zoom)過去很多天使在人間只是小人物,但卻做到掌控財富權勢的大人物所做不到的利益眾生.就像戰場上能夠以少人勝多人才是戰神,以多人勝少人勝利必然輸了丟臉.---賈鴻秋生前專門收留生病的流浪狗來養因而耗盡積蓄,在西元2007為了政府撲殺流浪狗的事去跪求有力人士郭台銘,無情的郭台銘起初答應後來出爾反爾贊成政府撲殺流浪狗,貓狗天生靈異體質陰陽眼靈性高,台灣政府撲殺流浪狗的數量很多犯了天譴,在西元2010年賈鴻秋升天之際,郭台銘的富士康工廠連續12名員工跳樓自殺靈異事件昭告國際.---台灣政府為了美國太平洋利益對抗強大的中國,七十年來的徵兵制有超過十萬人服役期間因不合理訓練慘死軍中,洪仲丘是其中之一!在西元2013洪仲丘死後奇家人窮追不捨追求真相讓全民看清黑暗真面目!---歐美媒體只關心台灣犯人的人權,真正台灣善良百姓的人權只有中國跟俄國媒體關心,小人物中能為死去上千萬流浪狗以及十萬以上不合理訓練慘死百姓挺身而出,賈鴻秋和洪仲丘是真正的天使.(下方圖面請用滑鼠點下去可放大)I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account number: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.
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