Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Local high end energy to nuclear weapons caches can not be cooled, if forced to exit the country so that all nuclear warheads form World War ??

The principle of nuclear fission reactions Natural uranium contains uranium-238, uranium-235 and other two isotopes, uranium-238 content of which was 99.3% and the amount of uranium-235 is 0.7%, when we use a neutron uranium-235 nuclei accelerated strike after U-235 will be split into krypton and barium -91 -142 two smaller atomic mass, and releases three new neutrons, we called "fission reaction", using the equation: formula 14 9 These new neutrons will go to hit other uranium-235 nucleus, then many new neutrons, these new neutrons hit other uranium-235 will go to the nucleus, such a reaction would stop repeat , resulting in a geometric progression of the fission reaction, known as the "chain reaction (Chain reaction)." According to Einstein (Einstein) theory proposed in 1905 year of when the mass into energy, its mass-energy conversion relationship is as follows: formula 14 10

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